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I have been trying to capture what I see for as long as I can remember.  As a child my earliest efforts to do so was through the medium of drawing.  The first drawing I ever did was saved in a family album - it was that of a car.  That phase didn't last long however and I spent the bulk of my childhood drawing animals.


I rediscovered cars as a teen and started drawing them.  First copying what I saw, and then later creating from my own imagination.  I went so far as to pursue an education and a career in automotive design working for one of the large global automotive corporations for over thirty years.


When drawing became my vocation, I turned to photography for my personal creative outlet.  Naturally, the subject matter that I first gravitated towards were  my two early favorites, cars and creatures, animals and automobiles.  Eventually, the need to challenge myself and expand my visual horizon arose.  Now, I pursue multiple themes that span a broad range of subject matter - from the animate to the inanimate, from the representational to the abstract.


This site was created to share my passion for photography and Porsches (plus automobiles in general).                                                                PHOTOGRAPHY BY BEN SALVADOR

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